
It's Back!

So I'm sprinting down Meredith, 3.75 miles into my 4 mile run, trying to get it done in 33 minutes (which was no easy task today considering the brisk wind and the intense pain in my hamstrings after yesterday's Spartan class (pulling tractor tires, aptly named "County Fair")), and I almost bowl over what?  A BIG FOX SNAKE!  I'm glad no cars were around to see it, because I definitely screamed and jumped and the stupid snake killed my time because my heart rate got too high. 

We signed a lease today.  We are officially moving into Mulberry Lofts on June 15. (http://www.mulberrylofts.com/ for anyone interested).  I think it's especially neat that our landlord is renting the unit from May 1-June 15 to one of the Chicago Cubs who will be playing for Iowa during that time.  Our landlord told Joey who it was but my dear husband, bless his apathy for sports, doesn't remember.  I'm going to find out and see if I can get some signed stuff!

We had to put a "diplomatic clause" into our lease which enables us to move out at any point during our lease as long as we give 30 days notice.  We thought for sure we'd be in the September A-100 (training) class, but apparently the diplomatic security agent finished his investigation today and told Joey his security clearance should be complete in no more that 2 weeks and that it was very likely they could call us for July or August.  Robert (the DSS agent) then asked Joey if the next time he was in town if they could meet to go over Robert's finances.  This is a prime example of what my mother-in-law refers to as "S.F. Joey"